Links, Lists & Books

Wikipedia Report on Rat Park
The Wikipedia page provides a good, short introduction
to the Rat Park research.

Dr. Gabor Maté is the staff physician at the Portland Hotel, a residence and resource centre for the people of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. Many of his patients suffer from mental illness, drug addiction and HIV, or all three.Widely recognized for his unique perspective on Attention Deficit Disorder, and his firmly held belief in the connection between mind and body health, he is a sought-after speaker and seminar leader on these topics.

The Afternow Project, University of Glasgow
In a series of short videos, Professor of Public Health Phil Hansen discusses the relationship between society and addiction, as well as other diseases that concern Public Health researchers
Donald MacPherson's Blog
As drug policy coordinator for the city of Vancouver, Donald MacPherson was a prime mover in establishing Vancouver's renowned Four Pillars Program. Then he quit his job to start something bigger, beginning with his blog.
In The Bubble: A documentary film in progress about sex addiction–its effects on the lives of addicts and those around them. Ron and his crew are going at this issue in more-than-usual depth.
Stanton Peel has been battling the entrenched orthodoxy of the addictions field for forty years. His 1975 book Love and Addiction changed the world. He is colourful, iconic, and famously egotistical.
The Danish Street Lawyers (or Gadejuristen in Danish) are smart, resourceful, and inspiring, in spite of being lawyers!
Transform Drug Policy Foundation
This is the militant British anti-drug war website.
Mark Haden's Blog/newsletter
For up-to-the-minute reports on the happenings in the addiction field, in British Columbia and the world, you need to receive Mark Haden's newsletter, which he sends out whenever he has a new item. To get added to his list, email mark at Mark.Haden[AT]
Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy
Canada's anti-drug war website. Run by Eugene Oscapella at the University of Ottawa.
Drug Policy Alliance
This is the American anti-drug war website.
The Executive Director is Ethan Nadelmann.
A Community Aware
A neighborhood organization on Commercial Drive in Vancouver that puts on high quality seminars on various topics, including drug addiction seminars led by Bruce Alexander.
Daily news items on economic and geopolitical events that mass produce dislocation, making people vulnerable to addition, depression, etc.
Don't open any items on this website if you are easily depressed.

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Listen to Bruce Alexander
speak with David Crowe on
"The Infectious Myth" 

Dealing with Addiction